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CNBC Asia 财经频道  
      一九九七年十二月九日,世界两大传媒公司——道琼斯公司及 NBC宣布合作,成立 CNBC Asia 。这项全球性合作,带来两大实力的结合:道琼斯是世界主要商业新闻及财经资讯的制作公司; NBC 则是美国首屈一提,唯一具有环球实力与国际视野的电视网络。
CNBC Asia- 总部设于新加坡商业区的心脏地带,以世界首创的虚拟实境演播室,作全时间 广播。各个不同节目按个别独特需求,设制不同的厂景,并能以更富创意的方式,呈现复杂的财经资料。
CNBC Asia- 以遍布全球的编辑阵容,结合全球性的网络设施,让亚洲观众能随时随地获得同自己有切身关系的资讯。

节目内容 广播深入、独具权威

  CNBC Asia- FACE= 专为亚洲观众提供他们最热切关心的商业讯息。让观众对各项影响的新闻有更深的认识。 CNBC Asia- 以强大的编辑阵容与全球性的网络资源;从亚洲观点出发,报导和项全球新闻,以满足观众的需求与兴趣。在节目编排方面,也充分反映商界人士的观赏需求。

早起的观众可以从 CNBC 市场汇报中,获知隔夜美国市场的闭市情况。跟著,早晨简讯,率先报导头条财经新闻,让商界人士为忙碌的一天有所准备。 CNBC 情报交流站(亚洲),不用话稿,以轻松的采访,提供有关亚洲市场的内线情报。


亚洲晚间新闻是亚洲唯一新闻综述节目,其中还包括体育及气象报告。晚上节目时段,除了每个小时的新闻摘要之外,还穿插多个生活品及财经杂志节目,这包括,媒体追踪,展现亚洲及世界媒体、广告及行销行业的最新报潮流。 DOT.COM 带您浏览无边无际的网路天地,介绍最热的网址,提供上网最新‘贴士’想预知未来?未来档案带您透视未来,提供超时空资讯,探计消费课题。聪明理财为高收入观众量身订做的个人资产管理节目,讨论课题包括:投资策略,退体职业规划以至投资高尔夫球俱乐部会员等等。亚洲商场俊杰由亚洲杰出企业家现身说法,畅谈个人成功秘诀。亚洲华尔街报评述是与亚洲最个影响力的亚洲华尔街日报联合制作的专题评论节目。 紧接一系列杂志节目之后,观众将看到纽约直播节目, CNBC 情报交流站(美国),这个专为股票发烧友而设的节目,以轻松的节奏,反传统的方式,让您洞悉当天美国市场的先机。午夜过后,观众仍可以看到亚洲新闻简讯以华尔街股市的现场直播。

CNBC Asia 的周未,延续周日的紧凑与精彩。亚洲一周财经加顾总结一周的头条新闻,及它们对本区域的影响。亚洲辽望则对过去一周的各项要闻及财经消息作详尽的分析和专题报导,亚细亚一周重点报导与东南亚息息相关的课题及发展趋势,包括区域贸易,市场趋势及财经要闻。

C N B C A s i a是全球首个24小时世界性的财经新闻网络,为观众提供来自全球各重要金融中心的新闻、评论和分析。

rCNBC Asia is specially designed to bring 24-hour global news most relevant to business viewers in Asia; news that has an impact,and news that gives viewers greater insight. With editorial expertise and networks around the world, CNBC Asia is able to satisfy the needs and interests of business viewers in Asia by bringing news that have global implications from an Asian perspective.
CNBC Asia - The only truly global business news channel

December 9, 1997 saw two of the world's leading media companies, Dow Jones & Company and NBC, coming together. This global alliance creates a powerful combination of strengths: Dow Jones produces vital world business and financial news and information; NBC is the leading television network in the U.S. and the only U.S. network with global reach and vision.

This move brings together the world's most recognised business news brands including The Wall Street Journal, CNBC and Dow Jones.

CNBC and Dow Jones team up to provide business news programming that is unparalleled in scope. CNBC is available to households worldwide: Asia 13 million homes. U.S. 68 million homes. Europe 23 million homes

CNBC Asia is an international partnership between CNBC and Asia Business News that takes on the strengths of the 2 channels: Asia relevance with global resources, a combination of a unique Asian perspective with a leading global network.

Launched February 2, 1998, viewers in Asia now have access to a truly global business news channel, receiving live worldwide coverage of financial market action and news relevant to Asia, from an Asian standpoint.

CNBC Asia is committed to providing the best

Headquartered in the financial heart of Singapore, this channel uses the world's full-time virtual reality broadcast studio, giving it the ability to create computer-generated, custom-designed sets, and take an innovative lead in the presentation of complex data.

With global editorial and network resources, viewers can expect the latest and most up-to-date information from anywhere in the world that has an impact on their business.

Jointly produced by CNBC Asia and the Far Eastern Economic Review, Asia at the Millennium is a 5 - part series that looks backs at the ideas, events and people that have defined and transformed Asia over the past thousand years, and explores how Asia will progress over the next ten centuries.

In April, we looked into "Life and Society" in Asia and in early July, we examined the theme of "Economy, Commerce and Technology". In the next few months, we will examine the following themes on these following dates and airing times (all in Singapore/Hong Kong times):

Politics and Power
Sat, 11 Sept 1999 @ 0730 hrs, 1830 hrs
Sun, 12 Sept 1999 @ 0030 hrs, 1030 hrs and 2000 hrs

100 Years in Asia
Sat, 27 Nov 1999 @ 0730 hrs, 1830 hrs
Sun, 28 Nov 1999 @ 0030 hrs, 1030 hrs and 2000 hrs

The Next Millennium
Sat, 8 Jan 2000 @ 0730 hrs, 1830 hrs
Sun, 9 Jan 2000 @ 0030 hrs, 1030 hrs and 2000 hrs

* (Please note that all airing dates and times are subjected to change)